In the Yorkshire group area we are proud to support thirty nine National Plant Collections, held by nine institutions and public gardens, three nurseries and five individuals. We also offer a regular programme of events including Spring and Autumn Plant Fairs: please read on to find out more.
- we organise specialist Plant Fairs and we hold propagation workshops for members
- during the summer we arrange visits to National Collections, gardens and nurseries.
- we also have displays at the Harrogate Flower Shows, recently being awarded Gold medals for our displays.
- members are encouraged to take part in the National Plant Exchange, become Plant Guardians and to donate spare seed to the seed exchange.
- new members are always welcome, and helpers are always needed at shows and our events.

Three National Plant Collections are held by Hoyland Nurseries in Harrogate, Agapanthus, Clivia and Tulbaghia: Agapanthus 'Flower of Love'
© Plant Heritage

Plant Heritage Yorkshire Gold at Harrogate Show

The Yorkshire Arboretum holds National Collections of Abies spp. and Picea spp.: Picea pungens glauca
Our collections
View CollectionsContact Group
Tel: 07890 214796