Plant Heritage North East (PHNE) is a friendly, sociable horticultural group,
where you will find a wealth of knowledge about garden plants of all kinds. Our
group hosts monthly talks from October to May in St Mary’s Parish Centre in
Ponteland, and has a varied programme of events and visits throughout the year,
including plant sales and fairs in the summer months. See our Events page for details.
Events normally include two Plant Fairs at interesting venues, to which we invite an additional range of local nurseries, and stalls selling PHNE members’ plants at events around the county, plus occasional trips to gardens and nurseries, and an annual garden party.
We also run an active Plant Propagation Group, and our members participate in the Plant Heritage Plant Exchange.

North East Group's Propagation Team at work.

Dianne Nichol-Brown holds three National Collections in Co Durham including Fragaria: Fragaria vesca 'Mignonette
© Plant Heritage

A National Plant Collection of Helenium is held by David Warden in Berwick upon Tweed: Helenium 'Sahin’s Early Flowerer'
© D Warden

The Blagdon Estate holds three National Plant Collections of trees including Acer: Acer campestre var. austriacum
© Blagdon Estate
Our collections
View CollectionsContact Group
Tel: 01207 529163
Howard Leslie