We are an affiliated group of Plant Heritage. Membership of the Society is open to anyone interested in its work living in Ireland or abroad. Members include amateur gardeners, professional horticulturists, botanists, garden designers and others. We take the lead in researching, finding and propagating Irish plants to ensure their survival.
The Irish Garden Plant Society co-ordinates Plant Collections held within Ireland under the umbrella of Plant Heritage
Please go to the Irish Garden Plant Society's website for more information and Contact Details.
- We take the lead in researching, finding and propagating Irish plants to ensure their survival
- We research great Irish gardens and garden history
- We have a hands-on role in a number of garden restoration projects
- We actively promote Irish horticulture, with recognition for our exhibits at major international shows, including the Chelsea Flower Show
- Last but not least, we enjoy Irish gardens through regular talks, lectures, workshops and garden visits

A Potentilla fruticosa National Collection is held in Dublin by Fingal County Council