Our Group brings together an eclectic mix of people, drawn to plants from a range of different interests: from art to botany, or just a love of plants in a sumptuous garden setting. Read on to find out more:
Herefordshire is home to 8 National Plant Collections spanning Acer to Zelkova: some are held in well known open gardens, others are held privately by plant enthusiasts.
Group members are encouraged to support plant conservation by becoming Plant Guardians, looking after plants that have become rare in horticulture.
Our members meet several times throughout the year visiting a diverse range of private gardens with a chance to meet and discuss with their owners.
We usually have an autumn/winter lecture and the not-to-be-missed Summer Garden Party.
A biannual Newsletter is sent to members with details of the current events.
New members are very welcome to join us at any event.

Group Members, Garden Visit

Mr & Mr Whitehead hold a National Plant Collection of Siberian Iris cvs.: British, Award winners and historically significant: Iris 'Emily Ada'

Herefordshire Group Members, garden visit

A Vitis vinifera & hybrids (hardy inc dessert & wine) thrives in Herefordshire at Sunnybank Vine Nursery
Our collections
View CollectionsContact Group
Tel: 01989 740398
Roger Norman