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Local Group

We are a lively, engaged group that puts on a range of excellent horticultural activities. These include a major Plant Fair, in early May, held at Longstock, near Stockbridge - an event not to be missed. 


Early May Bank Holiday Monday. 

This is our main fund raising event of the year, now the most prestigious Plant Fair in Hampshire, held in conjunction with Longstock Park Nursery and attended by over 20 specialist nurseries plus a members’ plant stall, hog roast and beer tent. Ample free parking. Please bring clearly labelled plants for sales table. Longstock Nursery and cafe open all day.

Event Location: SO20 6EH. Longstock is signposted from Stockbridge: turn R at north end of the High Street. From all directions, follow signs. Free to Plant Heritage members and children, John Lewis employees £2. General public £5. Open 10am – 4pm.


In addition to the Spring Plant Fair, we also run a smaller event on the first Sunday in September.

Details can be found on the events section of this website.


For details of all our other events, see the Events Listings below.  ALL OUR EVENTS ARE FREE TO MEMBERS UNLESS A CHARGE IS SPECIFIED.

If you wish us to circulate additional information and event reminders to you electronically, but we do not have your email address, please send this to Doug Smith at For other information please email any of our committee – details are on the Group Contacts page and on the back of our Newsletters.

To view our current and previous newsletters, click on the link below.



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Contact Group


Dr Douglas Smith
01329 833253 Email
Vice Chairman
Chris Bird
023 80734256 (H) 01962 776441 (W) Email
Treasurer & Contact for Plant Fairs
Hilary Scoggins
01256 350267 Email
National Collections Coordinator & Events
Rosie Yeomans
07876655893 Email
Margaret Pallant
07784 773345 Email
Plant Exchange Coordinator - propagation & plant sales
Lynsey Pink
01329 832786 Email
Events Secretary
Gill Sawyer
01489 894206 Email
Newsletter Editor
Juliet Bloss
023 80848085 Email

Becky Getgood

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.