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Local Group

Welcome to our Group pages.   Our county is host to a range of National Collections held in such diverse locations as private and open gardens, National Trust Properties and in the grounds of a public school.  Our group meets from September to April (inclusive) on the second Thursday of the month, 7pm for 7.30pm,  at The Dorford Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester. 


Our meetings consist of a talk or slide show with the added attractions of refreshments, members' plant sales and a plant identification table.

You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter (see icons below).

Entry to our meetings is free for members of Plant Heritage and visitors are welcome for a small entry fee of £5, students £3.

Parking for meetings is at The Top of Town car park virtually opposite The Dorford Centre and is free after 6pm. 


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Contact Group


Chairman & Plant Fairs Organiser
Martin Young
01305 814473 Email
Collections Coordinator, Publicity Officer & Newsletter Co-editor
Mr James Bennett
01305 785150 Email
Membership Secretary
Peter Davidson
07740 371636 Email
Catriona Killoch
01305 873804 Email
Programme Secretary
Mrs Alex Brenton
01929 459496 Email
Trips and Visits
Mrs Carol Inglis
East Dorset Representative
Cherry White
President, Plant Exchange Coordinator & Newsletter Editor
Clive Russell
01308 868797 Email
Newsletter Advertising
Peter Inglis

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.