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Local Group

Nepeta 'Govaniana'

Welcome to Devon & Cornwall Group’s pages. We are one of the largest and most active Plant Heritage groups in the UK.  We run an extensive programme of events and specialist Plant Fairs – these include visits to magnificent country estates and gardens, exclusive visits to private gardens large and small, and informative talks and workshops.


Devon is the home of more than 40 very diverse National Collections – from Agapanthus to Betula – of which we are justifiably proud. Some of these are held in private gardens, others in specialist nurseries or the Gardens at RHS Rosemoor, Paignton Zoo and Exeter University. 

Cormwall has National Collections of traditional Cornish garden plants such as Magnolia and Camellia, as well as Collections of Hemerocallis, Clematis viticella and PhyllostachysLapageria, Dahlia and Echeveria.  These take full advantage of the mild winters in this part of the country. A collection of Double Primroses is prospering in the moisture of the North Coast.

We take part in the annual Plant Exchange,  a practical way that our members can become involved in plant conservation. 

Over the coming months we will be sharing news and information with our members through these pages and also by paper and electronic communication. 

If you would like to receive information by e-mail and we do not yet have your e-mail address please do message our Group  - see contact button below.


Our Events

Upcoming Events in Devon & Cornwall

Our collections

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Contact Group


Jon Webster
01805 626866 Email
Brian Churchward
Paul Hardy
07973 618495 Email
Plant Exchange
Brian Churchward
Collections Coordinator- Devon (East)
John Twibell
01395 578689 Email
Collections Coordinator- Devon (S&W)
Jane Green
07786 787796 Email
Membership/North Devon Events
Malcolm Pharoah
01271 379001 Email
Collections Coordinator- Devon (North)
Penny Jones
Collections Coordinator - Cornwall
Caroline Stone

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.