Cheshire Group is host to 22 National Plant Collections held in a variety of locations from individuals gardens to the Northern Zoological Society at Chester Zoo.
We have a varied programme of talks, garden visits and 'hands on' growing and selling of plants. Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of each month, from September to April, at the Toft Cricket Club, Knutsford WA16 8QP, 1.30pm for 2.00pm when there is a speaker.
We are a small and friendly group and we welcome visitors and new members.
At our events we have a variety of visiting speakers(National Collection holders and nurserymen) and many people bring plants for sale. Members are welcome to bring plants for sale. Following the speaker there is a raffle and we have tea, coffee and biscuits.
In the summer, occasional visits to gardens are arranged and we participate in two plant fairs at Arley Hall (Arley Spring Plant Fair in March and Arley Garden Festival in June), where we sell plants grown by members.
Non members are very welcome to join our events (£4), an excellent way to see if you would like to join and support Plant Heritage

Sorbus National Plant Collection at Ness Botanic Gardens: Sorbus 'Pink Ness'
© Plant Heritage

Three National Plant Collections are held by Plantagogo, near Crewe: Heuchera, x Heucherella and Tiarella
© Plant Heritage
Our collections
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Tel: 0161 962 5698