Big Give Green Match Campaign - 22-29 April 2025

For seven days, from 22-29 April, this fundraising challenge offers members and supporters of Plant Heritage the opportunity to double their donations and in so doing make an extraordinary difference to help secure our plant heritage for future generations.

If we raise £5,000, the BIG GIVE team will double your donations making an overall total of £10,000. This would be a fantastic contribution towards the National Plant Collection scheme, to seek new collections, establish shared collections and to ensure more plants are protected.

Please fundraise by organising a spring coffee morning, or a plant based talk, walk, tour or simply donate to support our plant conservation work.

Donations need to be made between 22-29 April at midday, the week after Easter, on the Big Give website (search for Plant Heritage) or use this link

Donate here

Help us protect the National Plant Collections

The National Collections are an amazing way to protect the UK’s favourite garden plants for the future. Through our network of passionate members and dedicated volunteers, we are safeguarding 95,000 different plants, but we need to do more and to adapt to climate change.


Despite the increasing popularity of gardening, the diversity of our garden plants is more at risk than ever. Small independent nurseries are struggling and large outlets can often offer a limited choice. Gardens are getting smaller too. On top of this, we face more extreme weather and new pests and diseases. This means every year important groups of plants disappear forever, reducing biodiversity and our ability to adapt to future environmental challenges.


There are thousands of garden plants not yet protected in the National Plant Collections. We also lose around 20 existing Collections every year due to age, ill-health or if those looking after them move house or change jobs. By raising awareness of the importance of saving our garden plants we’ll inspire the next generation of Collectors. We’ll also enable existing Collectors to maintain or safely pass on their collections through training, workshops and 1-1 support.

“Our horticultural heritage is rich, long and represents many years of endeavour. In a fast-changing world the conservation of our plants is ever more important, and our National Plant Collections are an invaluable resource in sharing plant knowledge and expertise.”
National Collection Holder
“I’m passionate about plants, and feel it’s important to recognise and protect our rich garden flora, and am delighted I can help in my own garden as a Plant Guardian. With increased financial support Plant Heritage can help us all conserve even more garden plants.”
- Plant Heritage Plant Guardian

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.