

'Canna' with Keith and Christine Haywood 11th September 2025

A talk by Keith and Christine Haywood

Attend in person in Cobham or via Zoom. 

Please note the deadline for requests for a Zoom invitation for this talk is 11am on the morning of the event.

Keith and Christine Haywood spend and eveing talking about the propagation of Canna and their National Collection.

Keith developed an interest in cannas during the early 1980's. Since then, his passion and knowledge of these plants has only increased.  He and his wife, Christine formed the company Hart Canna in 1998 and in 2000 their collection gained National Collection status. 

The Surrey Group havepreviously visited Keith and Christines at their nursery and we are delighted to welcome them to Cobham. 

Do take the opportunity to come and learn all about these stunning, exotic looking plants.

You can read more about Hart Canna at https://www.canna-collection.org.uk/

The evening will include a plant sale of both common,  rare and unusual plants grown by Surrey Group Members, a raffle and the opportunity to enter the 'Flower of the Meeting Competition'. 

Doors open 7:00pm talk starts 7:30pm

Refreshments will be available.

If you are unable to join us physically in Cobham but would like to join us this talk will be given via Zoom.  An invitation will be sent out to all Surrey Group Members for whom we hold an email address a few days before the talk.  If you are not a Surrey Group Member, but would like to join us for the talk, it is available for free to all Plant Heritage members and a suggested donation of £5 to the Surrey Group for non-members. 

If you would like to join us via Zoom or would like some further information please contact us at surreyph@gmail.com


Hart Canna National Collection of Canna

Hart Canna National Collection of Canna

Canna 'Phasion'

Canna 'Phasion'

Event Start Date 11 September 2025 7.00pm
Event End Date 11 September 2025 9.30pm
Cost Free to Plant Heritage Members and Horticultural Students, £5 suggested donation to non-members.
Event Location Zoom or at St. Andrew's Church Hall, Churchgate House, Downside Road
KT11 3EJ
Event Contact David Ford
Telephone 07879 443606
Contact surreyph@gmail.com

Canna 'Phasion' with Agapanthus cv.

© David England

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.