

Hydrangea Revolution, a talk by Harvey Stephens

For the first event back in our usual venue at the university Harvey Stephens, Head gardener at a private estate in Cheshire, will give a talk entitled Hydrangea Revolution.  

Our speaker is an award winning garden manager and longstanding member of the RHS, Woody Trials panel.  Before taking up his current post as Head Gardener at a private estate in Cheshire Harvey was Deputy Keeper of the Garden at The Savill Garden,one of Britain's greatest ornamental gardens.

Free refreshments as usual before the meeting,  Visitors are always welcome.

Parking is available in Frankwell car park adjacent to the University Centre Shrewsbury.

Event Start Date 12 May 2022 7.30pm
Event End Date 12 May 2022 9.30pm
Cost free to members, visitors £3
Event Location The University Centre, Guildhall, Frankwell Quay
Event Contact Simon Banks
Contact simonbanks52@gmail.com

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.