

Collection research workshop

A workshop on research for National Plant Collections.

Free to Collection Holders and those working towards a Collection.

£10 to members - places limited.

Researching your collection, 17th November, 2-4pm. 

This will be a virtual workshop and chance for discussion, with presentations from 3 collection holders, plus the conservation staff, looking at different aspects of research into collections. 

Linda Eggins (Aucuba) -  finding the correct name
Nick Stanley (Plants named for Miss Ellen Willmott) -  historical research in support of collections
Adrian Slater (Liriope and Ophiopogon) - genetic research into National Plant Collections
Conservation staff - online resources for research

If you hold a National Plant Collection, or a proposal for one, please register for free through this link.

Limited spaces available for Plant Heritage members:

Member ticket purchase

Event Start Date 17 November 2021 2.00pm
Event End Date 17 November 2021 4.00pm
Event Location Virtual via Zoom
Event Contact Vicki Cooke
Contact collections@plantheritage.org.uk

eg: plant genus, common name, county, collection holder name.