Plant Guardians

Camellia japonica ‘Rosea Superba’

Synonyms: Camellia ‘Ada Wilson’, Camellia ‘Laura Dasher’, Camellia ‘Maquachu’, Camellia ‘Margaret Sandusky Pink’, Camellia ‘Mathotiana Rosea Superba’, Camellia ‘Meigui Cha’, Camellia ‘Mei-kuei Cha’, Camellia ‘Rosa Superba’, Camellia ‘Rose Camellia’


There are 3 different plants with this name, and our Plant Guardian plant is believed to be the original valid cultivar described as 'Handsomely imbricated double, deep reddish carmine.' in M. Const. Gheldorf's Catalogue of Plants and Price List, (1844).  

M. Le Texnier in Le Camellia (1911) describes Gheldorf of Ghent as one of the most renowned growers. Ghent was a significant region for the culture of camellias, with extensive greenhouse production evident from 1835 onwards.

Threat Status: Threatened In Cultivation As assessed by the Plant Heritage Threatened Plants Programme. For more details see

Image by G Firth. Licensed under CC BY 4.0

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