'The best way to save plants is to successfully cultivate and propagate them, then share them with others'
Roy Lancaster, renowned plantsman and keen supporter of Plant Heritage
Plant Heritage aims:
- To conserve our horticultural heritage by keeping living examples of all garden-worthy plants in National Plant Collections® or with Plant Guardians®
- To identify cultivars at the highest risk of extinction, with the ambition that these can be conserved. We do this through our Threatened Plants Programme™
- To document and record collections of rare plants. This is done by our National Collection holders and in our publications such as the Directory, The Journal, and through our online plant recording database Persephone
- To document on Persephone, the details and location of the rare plants held by our Plant Guardians®
- To increase the variety of garden plants available for gardens in the UK through supporting and undertaking group propagation activities and plant sales
- To share rare plants with gardeners across the UK, though our annual Plant Exchange™
- To ensure rare plants and collections are supported in perpetuity (for future generations)
- To support Plant Guardians and National Collection holders in their conservation work
- To educate the public in the importance of our work
- To work in partnership with organisations that can support our objectives
- To raise funds to support this work
Here is a brief history of Plant Heritage

Magnolia 'Genie'
© Plant Heritage

Hebe 'Blue Elegance'
© Plant Heritage